
Rotating Shifts
Healthcare Recruiting
Travel Nurse Assignment
Travel Assignment
Travel Nurse Health Guide

Mastering Rotating Shifts … While Still Getting Sleep!

Aug 12, 2020

Working different shifts is often just a part of working in medicine. Patients need care 24/7, and there needs to be someone there to give it to them. When you accept your contract assignment, it is often with an understanding of the schedule you'll be working. But, as we all know, life happens and sometimes what's planned doesn't materialize.

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Travel Nursing
Travel Assignment
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2020 Travels
Healthcare Recruiting

Top Maine Attractions for Your Contract Stay!

Jul 27, 2020

Traveling professionals enjoy a number of benefits, not the least of which is being able to see different areas of the country for long periods of time. This means you get to enjoy different cultures and geographical locations almost as if you were a resident and not a tourist. 

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5 Ways You Can Adjust to the 'New Normal' at Work

Jul 20, 2020

How well you adjust to the new way things are being done helps instill confidence in your patients, which in turn reduces their stress level and can have a significant impact on their health. The COVID-19 pandemic has made everyone make a shift in their lives and their work.

Here are five strategies to consider.

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Travel Nurse Assignment
Travel Assignment
Prepare for the Unexpected
Staffing Recruiters

Take Advantage of Your Telemedicine Options

Jul 13, 2020

Healthcare delivery has been evolving, transitioning from people visiting the witch doctor in his tent, traveling doctors throughout the American West, physicians setting up an office, and now to telemedicine. Urgent care and on-demand healthcare is a necessity since no one can schedule a twisted ankle or strep throat. 

2020 Travels
Travel Assignment
Travel Nurse Health Guide
Healthcare Recruiting

Safe Summer Activities to Fill Your Days Off

Jul 8, 2020

Your days off while on a travel assignment are times to be treasured. After all, you’ve moved from home base to see a different part of the country and have new experiences. So, even during times when infection levels may be high, you can take advantage of your days off to enjoy the summer days and see more of your new, but temporary, home.