
Safe Summer Activities to Fill Your Days Off

Jul 8, 2020

Your days off while on a travel assignment are times to be treasured. After all, you’ve moved from home base to see a different part of the country and have new experiences. So, even during times when infection levels may be high, you can take advantage of your days off to enjoy the summer days and see more of your new, but temporary, home.

There are safe activities you can participate in that get you outside for some sunshine and vitamin D or allow you to engage safely with others. Here are just a few ideas to kick off your summer plans - and some of these can be used straight through Fall!

Go for a Swim!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there is no evidence that a person can catch COVID-19 from contact with properly chlorinated swimming pools. They recommend maintaining a social distance of six feet and not gathering in groups of more than 10. Continue to practice safe hand washing before entering the pool area, after using the bathroom and before and after eating.

Take a hike... and Explore Local Parks

In many areas of the country, people are now able to take to hiking trails and enjoy being back in nature. The physical activity and fresh air help lift your spirits and improve your health. Be sure to grab or take a healthy bite to eat if you’ll be gone for several hours. It is also safer than exercising in a gym with multiple other people in the area. Exercising heavily with a mask in the gym can increase the stress on your body, so being outdoors walking is an all-around better option. And, you’ll increase your body’s production of vitamin D, which has been shown to reduce your risk of infection. 

Join a Book Club

Whether reading is your first love or your 10th, you may want to pick up a book to get away from it all. Reading is a time-honored way of escaping, and when you may not be able to congregate with large numbers of people, an online book club may be the answer. Zoom and Skype are two easy ways to see and talk with others. If there isn’t an online book club in a genre you enjoy, consider asking your friends and relatives from around the globe to share a glass of wine and book together each week. It’s a great way to stay in touch, meet new people, and learn new things.

Summer Activities in Different Cities Is Fun!

Traveling during the summer months is a fun and exciting way of gaining new experiences and being exposed to regional and cultural differences. If you’re ready to have fun in a different city, then it’s time to call GetMed Medical Staffing because we are ready to help you spread your wings!